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Solar House Competition

Wsp≤│zawodnictwo w dziedzinie s│onecznych dom≤w

ENVIRONMENT REPORT – October 18, 2002: Solar House Competition
By Cynthia Kirk

Czas trwania: 3:54
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Experts say in the near future, many houses in the United States will be powered by energy from the sun. Many people in Washington, D-C, recently were able to see what some of those homes might look like. Several hundred college students from across the country took part in a competition to see who could build the best solar-powered house. The United States Department of Energy organized the competition.

Students from fourteen colleges and universities took part in this Solar Decathlon competition. Student teams competed in a series of ten contests to see who could design, build and operate the best house powered only by the sun.

The solar homes were built on the National Mall, the grassy open area between the United States Capitol building and the Washington Monument. The solar houses were set up in the middle.

Each team included at least twenty students of design, architecture and building sciences. The students gained the money to buy equipment and materials for their house. Each house cost as much as two-hundred-fifty-thousand dollars to build.

A solar-powered house has a roof designed to take in the heat of the sun and change it to energy. That power is then stored in a battery bank which supplies power to the whole house.

As part of the competition, the teams were expected to spend most of the day in their homes doing normal activities. The activities used electricity powered by the sun. For example, the students cooked food, used computers, operated lights and washed clothes in machines. They even drove around the solar village in electric cars powered by a solar battery.

Richard King is the director of the United States Department of Energy’s solar energy programs. He created the idea for the Solar Decathlon. He says the contest is designed to show Americans that solar energy works. He says the use of solar energy in the United States is less than in other parts of the world. Seventy-percent of solar equipment made in the United States is sold to developing countries.

Mister King says only about twenty-thousand American homes are solar-powered. He says contests such as the Solar Decathlon could influence more builders and homeowners to support the use of solar energy.

This VOA Special English ENVIRONMENT REPORT was written by Cynthia Kirk.

Eksperci twierdz▒, ┐e w bliskiej przysz│o╢ci wiele dom≤w w Stanach Zjednoczonych bΩdzie zasilanych energia s│o±ca. Wiele os≤b w Waszyngtonie, D-C, mia│o ostatnio sposobno╢µ zobaczyµ, jak mog│yby wygl▒daµ niekt≤re takie domy. Kilkuset student≤w koled┐≤w z ca│ego kraju wziΩ│o udzia│ we wsp≤│zawodnictwie, aby przekonaµ siΩ, kto bΩdzie potrafi│ zbudowaµ najlepszy dom zasilany energi▒ s│o±ca. Zawody zorganizowa│o ministerstwo energetyki Stan≤w Zjednoczonych.

W S│onecznym DziesiΩcioboju wziΩli udzia│ studenci z 14 koled┐≤w i uniwersytet≤w. Zespo│y studenckie wsp≤│zawodniczy│y w serii dziesiΩciu konkurencji, aby przekonaµ siΩ, kto mo┐e zaprojektowaµ, zbudowaµ i uruchomiµ najlepszy budynek zasilany jedynie przez energiΩ s│oneczn▒.

S│oneczne domy zosta│y zbudowane w National Mall, otwartym trawiastym terenie miΩdzy budynkiem Kapitolu Stan≤w Zjednoczonych i pomnikiem Waszyngtona. S│oneczne domy zosta│y wzniesione miΩdzy nimi.

Ka┐dy zesp≤│ sk│ada│ siΩ z co najmniej 20 student≤w projektowania, architektury i budownictwa. Studenci pozyskali pieni▒dze na zakupienie wyposa┐enia i materia│≤w na dom. Koszt zbudowania ka┐dego budynek wyni≤s│ co najmniej 250 tys. dolar≤w.

Dom zasilany przez s│o±ce ma dach zaprojektowany tak, aby przechwytywa│ ciep│o s│o±ca i zamienia│ je w energiΩ. Energia ta jest potem gromadzona w zespole baterii, kt≤ry dostarcza energiΩ dla ca│ego domu.

Jako czΩ╢µ wsp≤│zawodnictwa oczekiwano, ┐e zespo│y spΩdz▒ wiΩksz▒ czΩ╢µ dnia w swoich domach, wykonuj▒c normalne czynno╢ci. Czynno╢ci te zu┐ywa│y energiΩ elektryczn▒ wytworzon▒ przez s│o±ce. Na przyk│ad studenci gotowali jedzenie, pos│ugiwali siΩ komputerami, zapalali ╢wiat│a i prali ubrania w pralkach. Je╝dzili nawet po s│onecznej wiosce w samochodach elektrycznych napΩdzanych bateriami s│onecznymi.

Dyrektorem program≤w energii s│onecznej w ministerstwie energetyki Stan≤w Zjednoczonych jest Richard King. To on da│ pomys│ S│onecznego DziesiΩcioboju. M≤wi, ┐e celem zawod≤w jest pokazanie Amerykanom, w jaki spos≤b dzia│a energia s│oneczna. Twierdzi, ┐e zu┐ycie energii s│onecznej w Stanach Zjednoczonych jest ni┐sze ni┐ w innych czΩ╢ciach ╢wiata. 70% s│onecznego sprzΩtu jest sprzedawane do kraj≤w rozwijaj▒cych siΩ.

King informuje, ┐e jedynie 20 tys. ameryka±skich dom≤w jest zasilanych w energie s│oneczn▒. M≤wi on, ┐e konkursy takie jak S│oneczny DziesiΩciob≤j mo┐e siΩ przyczyniµ do tego, ┐e wiΩcej konstruktor≤w i w│a╢cicieli dom≤w bΩdzie popiera│o wykorzystanie energii s│onecznej.